
Quality and Environmental Policy


The TIMESTAMP group aims for technological leadership, based on quality and on environmental concerns deriving from the business, on certification and on ongoing training for personnel, also present in the development and provision of innovative services that are made available on both national and overseas markets.

We seek to build up, grow and capitalise, on a network of competencies where talents can develop and innovate, at the service of our customers in a climate of mutual respect for our partners and based upon the positive attitude of our personnel.

Guiding Principles for the TIMESTAMP Group

Senior Management at the TIMESTAMP Group, is profoundly committed to the community in which it is located, where their actions seek to be a contribution towards its economic and social development.

Senior Management at TIMESTAMP Group prioritises, integrity, respect and dignity in relationships with customers and with employees and the fulfilment of the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the business, together with those of the Norms NP EN ISO 9001 and NP EN ISO 14001, in pursuit of an ongoing improvement to the efficiency and performance of the quality and environmental management system.

Aiming for innovation and the creation of quality in all of the solutions developed, the TIMESTAMP Group comprises of a Human Talents Team that contributes individually and jointly to the success of their project and our business.

At the TIMESTAMP Group, both customers and all other interested parties are at the centre of our universe, it is through them as well as for them that we exist, that we create flexible and customised solutions, that ensure the integrated use of the potential that information and communication technologies currently provide.

Committed to the realisation and building of the Information Age, the TIMESTAMP Group engendered a competencies, talent and technology ecosystem linked together in a network, which is guided by its monetisation as a joint investment, development and success factor in its operation that is always available.

Ensuring the finest environmental performance is another commitment, seeking to protect the environment, including the prevention of pollution, the reduction of the use of resources and the generation of waste.

The TIMESTAMP Group is committed to social and environmental responsibility, with a team of personnel that is motivated and mobilised for the generation of value for our customers and shareholders, as well as contributing  to the well-being of the community.

Senior Management at the TIMESTAMP Group is committed to the application of these principles to the entirety of its provision of services.

Quality and Environmental Aims

Our present quality and environmental aims are based upon indicators that are regularly updated by the management team and are set out in the ´Planning of the Integrated System`, which comply with the Quality and Environmental Policy established by Senior Management. The results of said indicators are monitored and assessed periodically.

Lisbon, 25th of November 2022

The Management Team,

João Miguel Simão Trindade Veiga
Luís Miguel Leão da Silva
Nuno Jorge Alves Dias